Thank You for Becoming a FAREPA Member!
Why Join?
As a member, you receive discounted pricing to all FAREPA-SV events, FREE webinar training to help fine-tune your skill sets, and are able to participate in international Trade missions. The benefits don’t stop there; below are more reasons as to way it pays to be a FAREPA Member.
We advocate for policies that grow and improve home ownership within the diverse Filipino American.
Experience an amazing mix of professional relationships, dynamic friendship, integrity and caring that will enrich you both personally and professionally.
Develop leadership skills at all levels, of enhancing your professional reputation and make involvement an integral part of developing personal and professional leadership.
We offer a variety of free and low-cost classes on important topics in the real estate industry to help better serve your clients.
We host industry events, with opportunities, where local business leader are willing to share information provide recognition and support essential to grow your business.
Apply the FAREPA Referal Network for additional exposure and referral opportunities
Networking designed to position you as a business leader and to partner with you in your business success for additional exposure and opportunities
Digital newsletter are emailed to members monthly
Social Media & Advertising Opportunities
The purpose of FAREPA-SV is to provide education and networking opportunities for real estate to allow investors to make informed decisions. FAREPA-SV makes no endorsement, warranty, or guarantee of any kind whats ever with the respect to the opinions, information, services, or products mentioned or promoted by any of the speakers, presenters, or sponser at FAREPA-SV programs or events. Members, attendees and participants are expected to do their own individual due dilligence before making any invesment decisions and are strongly encouraged to consuld with their own legal and tax professional. Neither FAREPA-SV nor its principals, employee, agents, or volunteers are liable for any claims of damages or losses, direct or indirect, arising from any transactions og any kind involving members, attendees, or any particpant of FAREPA-SV program or event. By using this website , the website user, ”visitor” acknowledges they have read and understand this disclaimer